
The 6 FREE and powerful Plugins you will want to have for your own wordpress. I am using them and you should have them too.

1, WP Statistics

Amazing Plugin for you to analysis your website and find out who are your main audiences.

overview 1 overview 2 overview 3


This one is also handy that can show how many views and acutal clicks on your post&page, you can also ingore the clicks and views from admin in the setting options.


NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster

If you want to Synchronize your post on your mutiple scocial accounts automaticlly, this plugin is what you looking for!

autoposter 4

Social Media Feather

Want your audiences follow you by one click? Social media feather will make this happen.


Content Views

This plugin can allow you change the display of your post&page in different way WITHOUT coding.


content 2

6 AddToAny Share Botton



You are welcome to share your plugins with me as well:)

The 6 FREE and powerful Plugins you will want to have for your own wordpress. I am using them and you should have them too.

