Broadchurch is a British television crime drama broadcast on ITV. It was created and written by Chris Chibnall and produced by Kudos Film and Television, Shine America, and Imaginary Friends. The first series (which premiered on 4 March 2013), focused on the death of an 11-year-old boy and the impact of grief, mutual suspicion, and media attention on the town. Filming for series two began in late May 2014, concluded on 12 October 2014, and premiered on 5 January 2015. Series three was confirmed on 23 February 2015, immediately following the series two finale.
Broadchurch series one focused on the search for the boy’s murderer by detectives Alec Hardy (played by David Tennant) and Ellie Miller (played by Olivia Colman). Chibnall was inspired by the Jurassic Coast of Britain to set his crime drama in a fictional, close-knit small town in Dorset. Much of the tone of the series was inspired by the music of Ólafur Arnalds, who also composed the soundtrack for the programme. Writing on spec, Chibnall convinced ITV to green-light the series in the autumn of 2011. Auditions soon followed, although some actors were offered roles directly. Principal photography began in August 2012, with location shooting occurring primarily in the towns and villages in Dorset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, and the city of Bristol. The production went to great lengths to keep the identity of the murderer secret. Cast and crew was nominated for many awards for series one; they won several British Academy Television (BAFTA) Awards and a BAFTA Craft Award.
Series two was announced when the first series ended. The second series primarily focuses on two plot strands: the trial of Joe Miller and the reopening of the Sandbrook case. Tennant, Colman, and most of the cast of series one returned for series two. New series two cast members include Marianne Jean-Baptiste, James D’Arcy, Eve Myles, Charlotte Rampling, Meera Syal, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and location shooting again occurred primarily in North Somerset, Devon, Dorset, and Berkshire. Secrecy surrounding the series two plot was strong.
Series three was announced when the second series ended. Both Tennant and Colman have been confirmed as returning.[1] In October 2015, Colman confirmed series 3 would shoot the following summer.[2]
The Fox Broadcasting Company announced in August 2013 that it would adapt Broadchurch for US audiences, albeit with a different ending. The American remake, titled Gracepoint and also starring Tennant, began airing on 2 October 2014 and ended after ten episodes. The French channel France 2 also announced an adaptation, to be titled Malaterra.
该剧讲述了发生在Dorset的一个小社区的故事。警察来到这个原本安宁的社区,调查一个年仅12岁的小男孩神秘死亡的悲剧,大批媒体蜂拥而至。满身血污 的Danny Latimer尸体被发现在一片风景宁静的海滩上,高耸陡峭的岩石峭壁环抱四周,人们怀疑Danny是从上面失足落下的。他的死因仍扑朔迷离,而他所在的 这个风景如画的海滨小镇成了警察调查的中心,媒体汇集的焦点。
Broadchurch 小镇疑云