Concussion is a 2015 American biographical sports thriller and medical drama film starring Will Smith portraying Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who fought against efforts by National Football League to suppress his research on the brain damage suffered by professional football players. The film was directed and written by Peter Landesman, based on the 2009 GQ exposé Game Brain by Jeanne Marie Laskas. The film also stars Alec Baldwin, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and Albert Brooks. Columbia Pictures released the film on December 25, 2015.
由威尔·史密斯担纲主演的橄榄球题材电影《Concussion》今天首度曝光预告片,这段视频展现出脑神经医学专家Bennet Omalu找到职业橄榄球运动员接连自杀的诱因之后,为了球员健康与全美职业橄榄球联盟对抗到底的决心。
影片根据真实事件改编,当年Omalu博士与Jeanne Marie Laskas博士共同发表的文章引起了美国公众与橄榄球界的巨大轰动。两位脑神经学病理专家披露了引发橄榄球员相继自杀的真凶——脑部运动损伤 (CTE),这是每位橄榄球员职业生涯中难以回避的问题,赛场上他们要承受无数次脑部直接撞击,不幸者就会产生眩晕、颤抖,乃至其他更为严重的身体不适。
Concussion 脑震荡 25/12/2015