Long Way Round (LWR) is a British documentary television series, DVD set and book documenting the 19,000-mile (31,000 km) journey of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman from London to New York City on motorcycles. They travelled eastwards through Europe and Asia, flew to Alaska, and continued by road from there to New York. The television series aired 18 October 2004 – 1 February 2005 on Sky 1.
曾主演电影《星际大战》、《红磨坊》的英国男艺人伊旺麦奎格(Ewan Mcgregor),去年七月和他的好友 查理布尔曼Charley Boorman 骑着BMW重型机车完成环游世界的壮举,他们从伦敦出发,穿越欧洲、俄罗斯、西伯利亚、哈萨克、蒙古、阿拉斯加,最后回到终点纽约,这趟全程达32000 公里的重机长征,共费时115天。
Long Way Round feat. Ewan Mcgregor_complete (episode 1-11)
IMDB 8.9 Long Way Round 漫漫长路‧哈雷机车环球全记录 Finished